Governing bodies
Insurance Company “Phoenix Re” AD functions with a one-tier system of governance and the structure of its bodies conforms to the requirements for effective governance and transparency.
General meeting of shareholders
The General meeting of shareholders is the highest governing body of the company, through which the shareholders exercise their rights and adopt key decisions related to the governance of the company.
- Composition: The General meeting includes all shareholders with voting rights, who can attend the meetings in person or by authorized proxies.
- Powers: Shareholders vote on matters related to the adoption of strategic decisions, changes into the governance structure and other important aspects of the company’s activity.
- Participation of members of the Board of Directors: The members of the Board of Directors, who are not shareholders, can attend sessions of the General meeting in an advisory capacity but without the right to vote.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the body that performs operational management of the company, by ensuring professionalism, ethics and compliance with the current legal framework. The members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General meeting of shareholders and are responsible for implementation of the long-term strategy and sustainable development of the company.